Saturday, August 4, 2012

Never Let You Go//Episode Thirty One

Never Let You Go//Episode Thirty One Tube. Duration : 0.08 Mins.

Previously on Never Let You Go: Kayden disowns herself from her Father, Marc. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Kayden's POV: I sat down on the ragid, splintered bench that was set in Stratford Park. The sun was shining right into my eyes, making it more noticeable that I was crying. Justin: "How did I know I would find you here," A slight smile formed on my rose colored lips, puckered with lipgloss from the music video. The sound of his voice and the setting only made the memories of my childhood flow right into my mind, -- Flashback Justin carefully pushed me on the swing at Stratford Park, Justin: "Having fun?" He asked as I wiped more tears from my eyes, I laughed softly, my hair whipping in the wind that tried too comfort me, Kayden: "Who cares if I don't have a Dad, I have you, right?" Justin: "Right," A goofy grin pulled along my face, Kayden: "Thanks Justin," -- Over Kayden: "He's not my Dad, Justin, I refuse too call that monster my Dad," He nodded, sliding closer too me on the bench, giving me a side hug when all I really wanted was a kiss, Justin: "Want too come to my house tonight, sleepover, watch a movie, eat popcorn?" I nodded, tears still spilling down my tanned cheeks, -- At Justin's Justin's POV: My plan? Well, my plan was too flirt with her as much as I possibly could tonight. And since I didn't get the kiss that I was hoping for my whole life, I was determind too atleast see if she will flirt back. Kayden: "It's been a ...

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