Thursday, August 9, 2012

Jemi Story -Slippers 1/2- ep.1

Jemi Story -Slippers 1/2- ep.1 Tube. Duration : 5.28 Mins.

At Demi`s House: Joe: Okay, that`s it! You better watch out! Demi: -screams and runs upstairs under the blanket- Joe: ha ha! Gotcha! --starts to tickle her- Demi. Oh my God, Joe s-stop p-please --laughing- PLEASE! Joe: Beg! --tickle her- Demi: Joe, my best... -laugh- f-friend, can u please stop! --lauhging- Joe: Maybe, if you take your clothes off --joking- -stop tickle- Demi: You little perv! --hits him chest playfully- Joe: And proud of it! --smile- Demi: As idiot as you are for now your still my bestfriend! --hugs him- Joe: awww Demiii.... you tooo --hugs her- Demi: -phone ring- -pulls away and answer it- hello? ?: Hi babe, where au? Demi: Oh, Hi Cody, Im with Joe. Cody: What are you doing with him? U know I don`t like that guy! Demi: He is my bestfriend, Get That! --almost shouts- Cody: You don`t shout me Demetria! Demi: STOP TELLING ME WHAT I SHOULD DO! BYE! --hangs up- Joe: wow wow, Demi chill. You can`t almost breath! Demi: How can I chill when that guy driving me nuts! --takes some air- Joe: So... whats his problem today is? the same? Demi: yeah. --imitating- I don`t like that guy Come home! Joe: woow... troublee. You can stay here if you don't wanna go home. Demi: No, I should propably go home or he comes and kills me.. Joe: If he trying that I promise that I kick that .... --Demi interrupt- Demi: language Joseph! --laugh- Well... I guess I go now, bye see ya at school. --hug him- Joe: Call me if he`s trying to do something you don`t like. Okay? --hugging Demi ...

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