Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ryan Butler Sister (JB Love Story) Ep. 80

Ryan Butler Sister (JB Love Story) Ep. 80 Video Clips. Duration : 0.08 Mins.

OMG! EP. 80!!! OH MY GAWWD!!! LOL -With Justin And Ryan- Ryan: Soo... Justin: Soo... Ryan: Look dude..Im sorry about the Blake thing..I thought he was nice Justin: yea..i didnt like him from the start Ryan: Im also really sorry i was between you and Daisy's relationship Justin: Does this mean you actually like me and Daisy together? Ryan: Yes Justin: YES! Ryan: *Laughs* Justin: *Laughs* Best Buds again? Ryan: Of COURSE! -They Do a handshake & Go back to the others- Christian: YOU GUYS FINALLY MADE UP!!! Daisy: FINALLY!!! Justin & Ryan: *Giggle* Yep Victoria: So no more fights or arguments? Justin & Ryan: Nope Ryan: Were all good Victoria: Awsome! Daisy: *Goes under the water & Grabs Justins feet* Justin: *Goes under the water too* -They go back up- Justin: What was that for? Daisy: For waking me up early Justin: Hey you said it was okay Daisy: I Lied *Giggles & Swims away* Justin: *Swims/Chases Her & Grabs her by the waist then spins her around* Daisy: AHH! -They Stop spinning around- Daisy: I Feel dizzy Justin: HA! -They had a great time in the pool,Everyone got a long,Now their all in Justin/Daisy's room watching a Movie- Maliea: Don't open the closet..Don't open the closet! Chaz: *Giggles & puts his arm around her* Maliea: *Hides her face in his chest* -With Christian & Sarah- Sarah: *Lays her head on his shoulder* Christian: *Puts his arm around her* Sarah: Im getting sleepy Christian: Aww.Don't fall asleep on me please Sarah: But i can't Christian: *Kisses her ...

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