Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hollywood Arts(a JB lovestory)episode 2

Hollywood Arts(a JB lovestory)episode 2 Video Clips. Duration : 0.65 Mins.

after school with the girls(except Selena)at Victoria's house Jasmynne:your house is amazing! i wish i had one like this parents bought you guys want some snacks? girls except V:sure doorbell rings- Victoria:ill get it*runs to the door and opens it*oh hey Justin Justin:hey um do you mind if me and the guys could sleepover? Victoria:sure dont mind at all.come on in*opens the door wide open* Justin:k guys she said yes*walks in* guys except Justin:*walk in* Jasmynne:*sees Justin*oh hey Justin Justin:hey Jas*sits next to her* nioght- Jasmynne:*sleeping on the couch* Avon:*walks to Justin*hey man Justin:hey*looks at Jas* Avon:you should ask her out Justin:shut up.i dont like her Avon:yeah you do.i know the way you look at her Justin:*rolls his eyes*ok i like her Avon:well im going to sleep with Elisabeth.night*goes upstairs* Justin:night*picks up Jas,bridal style* Jasmynne:*holds on to him,put on hand on his chest and sleeps on his chest* Justin:*notices her hand is on his chest,smiles,walks to a room and lays her down on the bed,about to leave* Jasmynne:Justin? Justin:*turns around*hmm? Jasmynne:goodnight*sits up,kisses his cheek,and lays back down,smiles* Justin:goodnight*smiles and sees a couch,lays down and goes to sleep* in the middle of the night,it raining with loud thunderstorm- Jasmynne:*scared,gets up,walks to Justin,and taps his shoulder*Justin Justin:*wakes up*hmm? Jasmynne:im scared thunder crashes loudly- Jasmynne:*scared,shaking,heart ...

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