Monday, August 13, 2012

One mans trash, is another mans treasure Jemi Story Episode 36

One mans trash, is another mans treasure Jemi Story Episode 36 Tube. Duration : 0.82 Mins.

hello :) Episode 36 "How dare you have the nerve to come in here after everything you did to me and treat my children like this!" He held his cheek and glared at me "that didn't even hurt" I slapped him again but harder "Demi come on if you think you're hurting me, you're wrong. You hit like a girl" after that i lost it i went to go hit him again but he was already on the floor groaning and holding his face "Demi may hit like a girl but i sure don't" Joe said while standing over nick "if you ever speak to my fiancé or my kids like that again you'll get more than just a punch in the face" Joe spat at him, Nick was just groaning on the floor. "Girls come on we're leaving" i said as Joe grabbed summers hand and i grabbed Sophies hand. We walked out of the restaurant, I can't believe he had the guts to do that after everything. Lets hope thats the last time i ever see him again "Demi are you okay?" I heard joe say, I kept walking just holding Cooper and Sophies hand. "No Joe I'm not, i can't believe he did that! I can't believe i loved him! what was i thinking?! I can't believe i was married to him!" I buckled Cooper into his seat when we got to the car. The girls got in and so did Joe "Demi it's okay you don't have to worry about him anymore, if he bothers you again well i'll take care if him" he said chuckling. "thank you for that by the way" i said slightly smiling at him, he put his hand on my leg and i laced our fingers together while he kept driving. "Mummy love daddy ...

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