Friday, August 10, 2012

Jemily Story PREViEW

Jemily Story PREViEW Video Clips. Duration : 4.48 Mins.

DECIDED NOT TO MAKE THIS SERIES BUT I WILL CREATE ANOTHER :] Hello boys and girls!! thank you for checking out my story preview. i think its pretty good. the new jb album, [[A Little Bit Longer]] inspired me to write like, 40 episodes!! Including this preview. Oh gosh that cd is amazing. anywho. here ya go! I hope you enjoy itt!! :] Jemily:: Emily: *knocks on Joes hotel room door* Joe: *suprised to see her* Emily! *then noticed tears sreaming down her cheek* Whats wro-- Emily: *lunges tword him and wraps her arms around him* *inbetween sobs* huh.. he.. He's. I need a hug!.. *whispers* joseph.. Joe: *pulls her into a tighter hug* shh *picks her up into the suite and they sit on his bed* Emily: *buries her head into his chest and cries* [[an hour later:: Emily is fineshed crying and telling joe what happend last night]] Joe: *thinking* [[AN that was a huge impact on joe fyi.]] Emily: i didnt want to tell you... im sorry i shouldnt of. Joe: Emily. *grabs her hand and strokes it with his thumb* you can always tell me anything. Emily: *whispering* i know its just *closes her eyes and holding back more tears* Joe: How about a movie, it will help.. you get your mind of things. Emily: *eyes still closed and nods yes* Joe: *smiles slightly* ok. *joe walks over and puts in a movie* [[AN idk what movie.. whatever one you think its your choice. x]] Next DAY Joe: wakes up and notices emily sleeping on his shoulder* [[AN they're sitting up against the bed border or whatever its called ...

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