Monday, August 13, 2012

Summer of Secrets Ep 8 lolena

Summer of Secrets Ep 8 lolena Tube. Duration : 0.87 Mins.

At the boys Cabin Selena: *whispering* ok guys, is everyone ready? Tay: *giggles and whispers* ready steady! Demi: Whispers* Ready! Miley: *whispers* ready as I'll ever be. Selena: *whispers* Ok let's do this. *goes to the side of the cabin and starts pounding on the wall* Miley: *Pounding on the other side. And laughs quietly* Tay: *makes the sound of a creepy monster loud enough for only the boys to hear* Inside the cabin: David; *throws a pillow at Liam* Dude, stop snoring. Liam: Ow, and I'm not. *yells* Sterling you better not be farting, or I swear. Sterling: *sarcastic* Oh yeah, I am totally farting. That's not me it's something outside.*sits up* Logan: Would you guys just go to bed and ignore it*Puts a pillow over his head*It is probably the wind. Demi: *howls like a wolf* David: *jumps out of bed and runs to Logan* HELP, THE WOLF IS GOING TO EAT OUR FACES!*screams* Logan: Dude, go to your own bed, we're inside the cabin. Nothing can get us.*pushes him away* Selena: *starts pounding on the front door* Sterling: Stay away!! I have pepper spray!*tucks his feet to his chest* Logan: *a little scared now* Liam: What guy has pepper spray?*looks at him weird* Sterling: I do. I need something to protect this beautiful face right here*point to himself* David: Logan go see what it is. Logan: What, why me? David: because you're the only one who isn't scared.*under his blankets* Logan: *stays put* No Liam you go, you're the oldest. Liam: oh my god you are scared aren't you ...

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