Friday, August 10, 2012

Stable Boy - Ep 19

Stable Boy - Ep 19 Video Clips. Duration : 0.72 Mins.

Enjoy :D ----------------------------------------------------- THAT NIGHT Leah -- [looks in the mirror and fixes her hair] Logan -- [knocks on the door] Leah Nick is waiting outside Leah -- okay I'm almost ready Logan -- hurry up Leah -- stop nagging! [walks out] front or back? Logan -- back Leah -- kay thanks [starts going downstairs] Logan -- be careful okay? Leah -- you are over protective Logan -- thats because you are careless...just come find me when you get home Leah -- even if its late? Logan -- [glares at her] you better not be staying out late Leah -- ugh! Would you stop acting like dad? [goes downstairs and out the back door] Nick -- hey, you look great Leah -- [smiles] thanks, so are you going to tell me where we are going now? Nick -- nope [takes her over to the stables where Shadow is waiting for them, he helps Leah up and then gets on the horse behind her] Leah -- now can you tell me? Nick -- no, it will ruin it [wraps his arms around her waist and the horse begins walking towards the trails] Leah -- you are mean Nick -- well I can turn around and go back Leah -- NO!...I mean um I don't want to go back Nick -- [kisses her head] you are really cute Leah -- I know 20 MIN LATER Leah -- [cuddled against Nick's chest as the horse walks along the trails which have lights hanging from the trees] It's so pretty Nick -- I'm glad you like it. It took forever to set up Leah -- Can we just stay here and look at the lights Nick -- no, i've got more planned Leah -- fine ...

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