Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Never Let You Go a Harry Styles love story - Part 52

Never Let You Go a Harry Styles love story - Part 52 Video Clips. Duration : 1.32 Mins.

Chapter Fifty Two _______________ Elizabeth's POV It began being darker and darker. I glanced at my watch, 6:45 pm. "Harry, we better be going to Starbucks now." I said as he nodded and we both stood up. We quietly walked, really quiet. We could only hear the sound of our shoes. I hated this kind of silence when none of us has anything to say. Anyways we continued walking till we reached Starbucks. We stepped in and saw Zayn and Maddi waving at us. We walked to them and took our seats. "How was your day? What and whom were you both doing?" Zayn cheekily asked. I grabbed the tissue box near me and tossed it on him. "Jeez, I was just kidding.." he apologized. I rolled my eyes at him and heard Maddi and Harry giggling. "Who else feel sleepy?" I asked, yawning. "Beth, you're always tired." Harry complained. "Oh.. well!" I yawned and pleaced my head on the table. "Haaa! OMG, HOW THE HECK DO YOU DO THAT? AMAZING.." Zayn yelled amazedly. I pulled my head up to see what was going one. Guess what, NOTHING! "Zayn stop messing with me." I sighed. "Guys, let's go home. It's already 9:45pm and we're here. Doing nothing." I sighed, frowning. Maddi agreed, so did Harry. Zayn sighed "Okay..". We walked to the car and drove home. Finally I'm home. I changed into my pj's and dropped myself on the bed and simply felt asleep. I woke up by the knocking on my window. I groaned as I looked at the time. Gosh it's 3 am. I walked to the window and slid the curtain away. There I saw, guess who. Yes ...

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