Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I'm Trying. Justin Bieber Love Story. Chapter 31.

I'm Trying. Justin Bieber Love Story. Chapter 31. Tube. Duration : 0.03 Mins.

Random Song; I'd Come For You; Nickelback. Justins POV. "I'm cold." I whispered. Cayden wrapped a blanket around me and pulled me on to his lap. I got comfortable, which was not hard, and fell asleep. - "Can we not tell anyone that I'm sick?" I asked, looking up at Cayden. Cayden nodded and pecked my forehead, "You're burning up, babe." I nodded and laid my head back on his chest. "Do you want anything to eat?" He asked. "McDonald's." I mumbled. "Will that make you sick?" He asked. I shrugged, "I don't know. But, I want a Big Mac." "Okay, I'll be back." Cayden said, kissed me and walked out of the house. God, I love him. End POV. Caydens POV. I walked back inside the house with the McDonald's and Justin had fallen asleep on the couch. He's so cute. I felt his forehead, he's still a little warm. My poor baby. He doesn't deserve this at all. Nobody does. But seriously, why couldn't it have been an old person who got cancer or even me?! Not him. He's only eighteen. Barely. He's barely eighteen. I leaned down and kissed his forehead. He stirred and woke up, "How long have you been here?" "Like, ten minutes." I chuckled. He sat up and looked pale. "I think I'm gonna throw up." He murmured and ran to the bathroom. Sure enough, he threw up. He stood up and brushed his teeth. I wrapped my arms around him from behind and kissed his neck, "I'm so sorry you have to go through all if this, baby. I love you so much." He leaned his head back on my chest, "I love you too, baby. Thank ...

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